Goldilocks and the perfect care plan.

This short blog brings you through the magical world of fairytales and effective patient care at our Kanata Chiropractic clinic.

Goldilocks was a bit of a jerk.

Most of us know the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The shortest version of it possible is that a little girl breaks into someone's house, eats their food, sleeps in their beds and then complains about it all because it doesn’t suit her perfectly.

Now I don’t recommend we go breaking into people's houses and then complaining about the fact that their oatmeal is too hot, but the story can be useful for illustrating one of the challenges in effective injury care and wellness plans. It can be challenging to manage painful things!

Initially, when a patient arrives and we're creating a care plan for them, we're kind of like Goldilocks breaking into the house. Most patients need to try a couple of different things before we can be sure what's going to be most effective for each individual patient. 

Me looking so unimpressed when I get home to see someone ate all my food and now they are complaining to me about it.

The perfect care plan doesn’t exist, but with patience and experience we can get pretty darn close.

Our goal at Highlands Wellness is to take a thorough assessment, listen to our patients, and create a plan that will help patients achieve their goals.  Until we try the plan and see how it fits into our patient's unique situation, we won’t know what changes and tweaks need to be made. This article highlights a handful of the suggestions we may try when something hurts.

Just like Goldilocks burnt her tongue on the hot oatmeal and then was disgusted by the cold oatmeal, so too can we be frustrated while we're trying to figure out the most effective plan. Taking the time to work through these challenges and learning the tools that keep us healthy can be very rewarding for improving long term wellness and reducing pain.

I think this fairytale illustrates why sometimes Dr. Google doesn't work so well even though there's nothing wrong with most of the exercises you'll see online. Working with a professional allows you to finetune your care plan so that it actually works for you. 

People are messy, pain is messy - it can be helpful to have a guide.

Depending on your goals, your experience, and your injury, the most effective care plan can change a lot. It can be hard to figure out all the details on our own and make the appropriate decisions that lead us to our goals (it’s also why most doctors have their own doctor - it helps to have a team).

If you want to have your Goldilocks moment and find the best care plan for you, get in touch.  Our combination of hands-on care, mobility and strengthening, combined with practical advice and education can ensure that we get you back to your favorite activities as quickly as possible.


Old man yells at clouds… why people should be shown what they CAN do and not just told what they CAN’T do.


It takes a team