Highlands Wellness Blog
Our goal is to make you fearless in your movement. Build confidence, strength, mobility and resiliency with consistent hard work and intelligent problem solving.
We can show you how.
Start here for low back pain!
Low back pain is one of the leading cause of work absences, disability, and pain worldwide. As an Ottawa chiropractor, I have seen hundreds of cases of low back pain amongst people of all ages, activity-levels, and occupations. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for low back pain is crucial for those seeking relief and a return to an active lifestyle.
Overcoming Pain: Your First Steps to a Healthier You
Injuries can be overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you can make a successful recovery. Discover the three principles that every rehab program should follow, including the importance of education and progressive overload. Plus, learn which questions to ask during the rehab process to take control of your healing journey. At SpineOttawa, we are dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance to help you get back to doing what you love.
With the Holiday’s around the corner, I thought this would be a fitting blog to post!
We’re discussing a relatively new acronym that helps us manage soft-tissue injuries such as muscle strains and joint sprains. Most people are familiar with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) for injuries, but in the past few years we have been seeing a trend toward a more nuanced approach to injuries that encompasses many different factors that can improve healing.
Injury management is always changing as our research improves, but lately the acronym PEACE & LOVE has been making the rounds in healthcare and chiropractic care.
Dang, my rib is out.
As a chiropractor in Ottawa, “slipped rib” or “rib out” is one of the most common injuries I see. Most times, when a patient tells me their “rib is out”, they mention symptoms including pain with a deep breath, tension in their upper back, sharpness with movement on one side, and pain with raising or lowering their arm.