A Case For Strength
It’s no secret that it’s good for our health to stay active. Fitness is important to longevity, it’s good for our hearts, and reduces our risk of cancer and diabetes. A missing component of many of my patient’s fitness plans is a strength component.
This blog will make the case for why the strength component is crucial, and arguably has the largest impact not just on our longevity but on our quality of life in our later years.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractors practice primarily using their hands, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system, muscles and joints. Modern chiropractors use a combination of treatments such as joint manipulation, various soft tissue therapies, acupuncture, strengthening and mobilizing exercises and more depending on each patient’s specific needs.
Exercise and Pain
When I saw Sue it had been about 10 days since the onset of her back pain. The pain was improving slowly, but Sue was getting antsy about exercising again - she wanted to get back in the gym but was worried about exercising with pain. Sue asked me what she should do.
Today’s blog will cover some of the main points that Sue and I discussed in our conversation about pain and exercise.
Do I have to go to a chiropractor forever?
Most of my patients first come to see me because they have a new injury or a nagging pain and they need a push in the right direction. The most common conditions are back pain, sciatica, neck pain, rolled ankles, achy knees and tweaked shoulders. Many of these issues resolve with 4-8 sessions of active chiropractic care.
Check this blog out to learn why and when it can be helpful to go back to your chiropractor.
Wellness and Resiliency
This blog idea has been bouncing around my head for a while. It’ll be short, but I hope it helps shed a light on how I approach chiropractic care, wellness, and the all-important concept of resiliency.
Megan's Plantar Fasciitis
Every Spring, Ottawa comes to life. The tulips begin to poke up from the soil, the river thaws, and athletes everywhere are tuning up their bicycles and dusting off their sneakers.
This blog will talk about one of the conditions that is guaranteed to slow down the warm weather fun if we’re not careful: plantar fasciitis. Follow along on the journey of Megan’s plantar fasciitis experience (based on real patient experience with name changed).
March Mythbusting
I’m sure you’ve heard many opinions about what chiropractic is, and there are some pretty wild theories on it. This blog will help shed some light on a few of the most common misconceptions I hear about chiropractic.
Do stuff you like.
When I first started working as a chiropractor in Ottawa, I would create perfect little exercise programs for patients. They would be complicated, rigid, and exact (not too mention extremely overwhelming). The patients who listened to me were usually the ones who were already exercising and I began to realize that I wasn’t helping the patients who would benefit the most from increasing their daily movement.
Dang, my rib is out.
As a chiropractor in Ottawa, “slipped rib” or “rib out” is one of the most common injuries I see. Most times, when a patient tells me their “rib is out”, they mention symptoms including pain with a deep breath, tension in their upper back, sharpness with movement on one side, and pain with raising or lowering their arm.